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Example 1: FlowSplitter Smart Contract

This guide provides an overview and usage instructions for the FlowSplitter smart contract, which leverages the Superfluid protocol to route incoming streams of Super Tokens to two different recipients based on predefined proportions.


The FlowSplitter contract is designed to automatically split incoming Super Token streams to a main and a side receiver. This splitting is determined by the sideReceiverPortion parameter, which defines the percentage of the incoming flow to be routed to the side receiver, with the remainder going to the main receiver.

Contract Overview

FlowSplitter Diagram

The above diagram illustrates how the FlowSplitter works. For example, if the sideReceiverPortion is set to 30%, then 30% of all incoming Super Token streams will be routed to the side receiver, and the remaining 70% will go to the main receiver.

Click here to show FlowSender contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.18;

// Uncomment this line to use console.log
// import "hardhat/console.sol";

import {SuperTokenV1Library} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";
import {SuperAppBaseFlow} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperAppBaseFlow.sol";
import {
} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/superfluid/ISuperfluid.sol";

/// @title FlowSplitter
/// @author Superfluid | Modified by @0xdavinchee
/// @dev A negative sideReceiverPortion portion is not allowed
/// A portion > 1000 is fine though because the protocol will
/// revert when trying to create a flow with a negative flow rate
/// A flowRate which is less than 1000 will be rounded down to 0 and will revert
/// Also an inflow which does not contain a whole number will be rounded down,
/// this will also lead to a revert.
contract FlowSplitter is SuperAppBaseFlow {
using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;

/// @dev Account that ought to be routed the majority of the inflows
address public immutable MAIN_RECEIVER;

/// @dev Account that ought to be routed the minority of the inflows
address public immutable SIDE_RECEIVER;

/// @dev Account that deployed the contract
address public immutable CREATOR;

/// @dev Super Token that the FlowSplitter will accept streams of
ISuperToken public immutable ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN;

/// @dev number out of 1000 representing portion of inflows to be redirected to SIDE_RECEIVER
/// Ex: 300 would represent 30%
int96 public sideReceiverPortion;

error NO_SELF_FLOW();
error NOT_CREATOR();

/// @dev emitted when the split of the outflow to MAIN_RECEIVER and SIDE_RECEIVER is updated
event SplitUpdated(int96 mainReceiverPortion, int96 newSideReceiverPortion);

ISuperfluid host_,
ISuperToken acceptedSuperToken_,
address creator_,
address mainReceiver_,
address sideReceiver_,
int96 sideReceiverPortion_
) SuperAppBaseFlow(host_, true, true, true) {
if (sideReceiverPortion_ <= 0 || sideReceiverPortion_ == 1000) revert INVALID_PORTION();
if (mainReceiver_ == sideReceiver_) revert SAME_RECEIVERS_NOT_ALLOWED();
if (mainReceiver_ == address(this) || sideReceiver_ == address(this)) revert NO_SELF_FLOW();

ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN = acceptedSuperToken_;
CREATOR = creator_;
MAIN_RECEIVER = mainReceiver_;
SIDE_RECEIVER = sideReceiver_;
sideReceiverPortion = sideReceiverPortion_;

/// @dev checks that only the acceptedToken is used when sending streams into this contract
/// @param superToken_ the token being streamed into the contract
function isAcceptedSuperToken(ISuperToken superToken_) public view override returns (bool) {
return superToken_ == ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN;

/// @notice Returns the outflow rates to main and side receiver given flowRate_ and an arbitrary
/// sideReceiverPortion_
/// @dev If either returns 0, it will revert when trying to create a flow
/// because the protocol does not allow creating flows with a flow rate of 0
/// Also, if the sum of the two outflows is not equal to the inflow, it means the app will
/// receive a residual flow.
/// @param flowRate_ the inflow rate
/// @param sideReceiverPortion_ the portion of the inflow to be redirected to SIDE_RECEIVER
/// @return mainFlowRate the outflow rate to MAIN_RECEIVER
/// @return sideFlowRate the outflow rate to SIDE_RECEIVER
/// @return residualFlowRate the residual flow rate
function getMainAndSideReceiverFlowRates(int96 flowRate_, int96 sideReceiverPortion_)
returns (int96 mainFlowRate, int96 sideFlowRate, int96 residualFlowRate)
mainFlowRate = (flowRate_ * (1000 - sideReceiverPortion_)) / 1000;
sideFlowRate = (flowRate_ * sideReceiverPortion_) / 1000;
residualFlowRate = flowRate_ - (mainFlowRate + sideFlowRate);

/// @notice Updates the split of the outflow to MAIN_RECEIVER and SIDE_RECEIVER
/// @dev Only the creator should be able to call update split.
/// @param newSideReceiverPortion_ the new portion of inflows to be redirected to SIDE_RECEIVER
function updateSplit(int96 newSideReceiverPortion_) external {
if (newSideReceiverPortion_ <= 0 || newSideReceiverPortion_ >= 1000) revert INVALID_PORTION();
if (msg.sender != CREATOR) revert NOT_CREATOR();

sideReceiverPortion = newSideReceiverPortion_;

// get current outflow rate
int96 totalOutflowRate = ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.getFlowRate(address(this), MAIN_RECEIVER)
+ ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.getFlowRate(address(this), SIDE_RECEIVER);

int96 mainReceiverPortion = 1000 - newSideReceiverPortion_;

// update outflows
// @note there is a peculiar bug here where you can't change the outflow in any way
ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.updateFlow(MAIN_RECEIVER, (totalOutflowRate * mainReceiverPortion) / 1000);
ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.updateFlow(SIDE_RECEIVER, (totalOutflowRate * newSideReceiverPortion_) / 1000);

emit SplitUpdated(mainReceiverPortion, newSideReceiverPortion_);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function onFlowCreated(ISuperToken superToken_, address sender_, bytes calldata ctx_)
returns (bytes memory newCtx)
newCtx = ctx_;

// get inflow rate from sender_
int96 inflowRate = superToken_.getFlowRate(sender_, address(this));

// if there's no outflow already, create outflows
if (superToken_.getFlowRate(address(this), MAIN_RECEIVER) == 0) {
newCtx =
superToken_.createFlowWithCtx(MAIN_RECEIVER, (inflowRate * (1000 - sideReceiverPortion)) / 1000, newCtx);

newCtx = superToken_.createFlowWithCtx(SIDE_RECEIVER, (inflowRate * sideReceiverPortion) / 1000, newCtx);
// otherwise, there's already outflows which should be increased
else {
newCtx = superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(
+ (inflowRate * (1000 - sideReceiverPortion)) / 1000,

newCtx = superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(
+ (inflowRate * sideReceiverPortion) / 1000,

function onFlowUpdated(
ISuperToken superToken_,
address sender_,
int96 previousFlowRate_,
uint256, /*lastUpdated*/
bytes calldata ctx_
) internal override returns (bytes memory newCtx) {
newCtx = ctx_;

// get inflow rate change from sender_
int96 inflowChange = superToken_.getFlowRate(sender_, address(this)) - previousFlowRate_;

// update outflows
newCtx = superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(
+ (inflowChange * (1000 - sideReceiverPortion)) / 1000,

newCtx = superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(
ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.getFlowRate(address(this), SIDE_RECEIVER) + (inflowChange * sideReceiverPortion) / 1000,

function onFlowDeleted(
ISuperToken superToken_,
address, /*sender_*/
address receiver_,
int96 previousFlowRate_,
uint256, /*lastUpdated*/
bytes calldata ctx_
) internal override returns (bytes memory newCtx) {
newCtx = ctx_;

// remaining inflow is equal to total outflow less the inflow that just got deleted
int96 remainingInflow = (
+ ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN.getFlowRate(address(this), SIDE_RECEIVER)
) - previousFlowRate_;

// handle "rogue recipients" with sticky stream - see readme
if (receiver_ == MAIN_RECEIVER || receiver_ == SIDE_RECEIVER) {
newCtx = superToken_.createFlowWithCtx(receiver_, previousFlowRate_, newCtx);

// if there is no more inflow, outflows should be deleted
if (remainingInflow <= 0) {
newCtx = superToken_.deleteFlowWithCtx(address(this), MAIN_RECEIVER, newCtx);

newCtx = superToken_.deleteFlowWithCtx(address(this), SIDE_RECEIVER, newCtx);
// otherwise, there's still inflow left and outflows must be updated
else {
newCtx = superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(
MAIN_RECEIVER, (remainingInflow * (1000 - sideReceiverPortion)) / 1000, newCtx

newCtx =
superToken_.updateFlowWithCtx(SIDE_RECEIVER, (remainingInflow * sideReceiverPortion) / 1000, newCtx);

Key Components

  • MAIN_RECEIVER: The primary account that receives the majority of the inflows.
  • SIDE_RECEIVER: The secondary account that receives a smaller, specified portion of the inflows.
  • ACCEPTED_SUPER_TOKEN: The specific Super Token that the FlowSplitter will accept for streaming.
  • sideReceiverPortion: A numerical value representing the portion (out of 1000) of inflows redirected to the SIDE_RECEIVER.


Deploying the Contract

To deploy the FlowSplitter, you must specify the following parameters:

  • host_: The Superfluid host contract.
  • acceptedSuperToken_: The Super Token to be accepted by the contract.
  • creator_: The address of the account deploying the contract.
  • mainReceiver_: The address of the main receiver.
  • sideReceiver_: The address of the side receiver.
  • sideReceiverPortion_: The initial portion of the inflow to be directed to the side receiver.

Updating the Flow Split

The creator of the contract can update the flow split by calling the updateSplit function with a new sideReceiverPortion_. This adjusts the outflow rates to both receivers accordingly.

function updateSplit(int96 newSideReceiverPortion_) external;

Calculating Flow Rates

To calculate the exact outflow rates for the main and side receivers based on any inflow rate and sideReceiverPortion, use the getMainAndSideReceiverFlowRates function:

function getMainAndSideReceiverFlowRates(
int96 flowRate_,
int96 sideReceiverPortion_
) external pure returns (
int96 mainFlowRate,
int96 sideFlowRate,
int96 residualFlowRate

Handling Streams

The contract includes several internal callback functions that handle the creation, updating, and deletion of streams:

  • onFlowCreated: Called when a new inflow to the FlowSplitter is created.
  • onFlowUpdated: Called when an existing inflow to the FlowSplitter is updated.
  • onFlowDeleted: Called when an inflow to the FlowSplitter is deleted.


The FlowSplitter smart contract offers a robust solution for automatically splitting incoming Super Token streams. By setting the sideReceiverPortion, users can determine the flow rates to different parties, enabling a fair and transparent distribution of funds.